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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (01) : 9 -13. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2018.01.003

所属专题: 文献


李坤河1, 李毅1, 牛丽君1, 杨广1, 赵晴1, 文志双1, 张劲军1, 安珂1,()   
  1. 1. 510080 广州,中山大学附属第一医院麻醉科
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-24 出版日期:2018-02-01
  • 通信作者: 安珂
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金面上项目(81171468); 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研金项目(200805581112); 广东省科技计划项目(2012B031800105)

Establishment of postoperative sustained injury sensitization model of inflammatory pain-sensitivity

Kunhe Li1, Yi Li1, Lijun Niu1, Guang Yang1, Qing Zhao1, Zhishuang Wen1, Jinjun Zhang1, Ke An1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Anesthesiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China
  • Received:2017-07-24 Published:2018-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Ke An
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: An Ke, Email:

李坤河, 李毅, 牛丽君, 杨广, 赵晴, 文志双, 张劲军, 安珂. 炎性痛敏触发术后持久伤害性敏化模型的建立[J]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2018, 12(01): 9-13.

Kunhe Li, Yi Li, Lijun Niu, Guang Yang, Qing Zhao, Zhishuang Wen, Jinjun Zhang, Ke An. Establishment of postoperative sustained injury sensitization model of inflammatory pain-sensitivity[J]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2018, 12(01): 9-13.




雄性SD大鼠28只,随机分为非触发组和触发组,各14只。非触发组大鼠脚底注射0.9%氯化钠溶液5 μl,触发组大鼠脚底注射1%角叉菜胶5 μl。两组分别于实验前、炎性痛敏后1~6 d以及切口痛后1~10 d观察大鼠对机械和伤害性热刺激的疼痛行为学变化;分别于切口痛前及后1、3、10 d观察脊髓PKMζ的表达。


实验前所有大鼠机械刺激缩爪阈值(MWT)和热刺激缩足反射潜伏期值(TWL)差异无统计学意义。触发组大鼠在注射1%角叉菜胶5 μl后出现了短暂的痛阈降低,并于3 d后恢复到基础值;两组大鼠切口痛后均出现活动频繁、跛行、舔咬手术切口等异常行为,与术前比较,两组大鼠的MWT、TWL均明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但在切口术后5 d,非触发组大鼠的MWT、TWL逐渐升高,于术后10 d恢复至术前水平,而触发组大鼠MWT、TWL在各时间点均低于非触发组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),并且这种差异一直持续到观察结束。与非触发组及术前相比,触发组大鼠脊髓背角PKMζ含量迅速升高(P<0.05),并一直维持较高水平至观察结束。非触发组大鼠脊髓背角中PKMζ含量与术前比较差异无统计学意义。术前大鼠脊髓背角中PKMζ免疫阳性细胞均有少量表达,主要分布于脊髓背角浅层。与非触发组及术前相比,术后10 d触发组大鼠脊髓背角浅层PKMζ的免疫阳性细胞数明显增加(P<0.05),非触发组脊髓背角浅层PKMζ的免疫阳性细胞数虽有所增加,但数量明显低于触发组(P<0.05)。




To investigate the effects of spinal PKMζ on the maintenance of persistent nociceptive sensitization after plantar incision following peripheral inflammation in rats, adapting a modified hyperalgesia priming model that produces a state of sensitization closely resembling clinical situations with increased risk of development of persistent postoperative pain.


Twenty-eight healthy adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 220-250 gram were randomly divided into two groups (n=14): NS+Surgery group which was induced by intraplantar injection of carrageenan (1%, 5 μl), and Car.+Surgery group with NS (0.9%NaCl, 5 μl) into one hindpaw in rats. Changes of pain behavior were assessed by withdrawal threshold to von Frey filament stimulation intensity, response latency of the hindpaw to radiant the thermal and a cumulative pain scores 1-6 d before incision as well as 1-10 d after incision. The expression of PKMζ was measured in the spinal cord by Western blotting and immunohistochemical analysis at 1, 3, 10 d after incision.


There were no significant differences in the value of MWT and TWL before treatment and surgery. Compared with NS+ Surgery group, the MWT and TWL of Car.+Surgery group decreased significantly (P<0.05), which lasted about 3 d and returned to normal. All rats showed allodynia in response to innocuous mechanical stimulation. Compared with pre-incision, the MWT and TWL of two groups decreased significantly (P<0.05). While the MWT and TWL of NS+Surgery group increased thereafter and returned to normal by 6 d. Compared with pre-incision and NS+Surgery group, the MWT and TWL of Car.+Surgery group decreased significantly, lasting for 10 d (P<0.05). Compared with NS+Surgery group, the number of positive cells and the expression of spinal PKMζ after incision remarkably increased in Car.+Surgery group (P<0.05).


Spinal PKMζ involves in the development and maintenance of persistent nociceptive sensitization after plantar incision following peripheral inflammation pain in rats.

表1 术后持续性疼痛大鼠术前及术后MWT的变化(g,±s
图1 术后持续性疼痛大鼠术前及术后MWT的变化(±sn=14)与NS+Surgery非触发组比较,*P<0.05, **P>0.05
表2 术后持续性疼痛大鼠术前及术后TWL的变化(s,±s
图2 术后持续性疼痛大鼠术前及术后TWL的变化(±sn=14)与NS+ Surgery组比较,*P<0.05, **P>0.05
表3 外周炎性痛敏触发切口痛后持续伤害性敏化模型脊髓PKMζ含量的变化(±s, n=14)
图3 Western blotting显示各组脊髓PKMζ蛋白质的表达 A为NS+ Surgery非触发组;B为Car+Surgery触发组
图4 外周炎性痛敏触发切口痛后持续伤害性敏化大鼠脊髓中PKMζ表达的变化(±sn=14,与NS+ Surgery非触发组比较,*P<0.05
表4 外周炎性痛敏触发切口痛后持续伤害性敏化模型脊髓PKMζ免疫阳性细胞的变化(±s, n=14)
图5 非触发组术前及术后10 d大鼠脊髓背角PKMζ免疫阳性细胞(光学显微镜 ×200)
图6 触发组术前及术后10 d大鼠脊髓背角PKMζ免疫阳性细胞(光学显微镜 ×200)
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