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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01) : 33 -35. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2007.01.010


MMP9、TIMP1 基因在原发性肝癌中的表达
李明意1, 姚金科1, 杨永光1   
  1. 1.524023 广东医学院附属医院肝胆外科
  • 出版日期:2007-02-20

Expression of MMP9 and TIMP1 gene in primary liver cancer

Mingyi LI1, Jinke YAO1, Yongguang YANG1   

  1. 1.Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College,Zhanjiang,Guangdong province,524001,China
  • Published:2007-02-20

李明意, 姚金科, 杨永光. MMP9、TIMP1 基因在原发性肝癌中的表达[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2007, 01(01): 33-35.

Mingyi LI, Jinke YAO, Yongguang YANG. Expression of MMP9 and TIMP1 gene in primary liver cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(01): 33-35.


探讨MMP9、TIMP1 基因在原发性肝癌中的表达状况及其对肝癌侵袭转移的影响。


应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR) 检测34 例肝癌和相应癌旁组织及12 例正常肝组织中MMP9、TIMP1 mRNA 表达水平。


正常肝组织中MMP9 仅有少量表达,与癌旁组织相比无显著差异;肝癌组织中MMP9 表达明显升高,而TIMP1 表达显著下降,两者表达状况呈负相关(P<0.01),且两者在转移肝癌较未转移肝癌中表达水平亦有显著性差异(P<0.05)。


MMP9、TIMP1 表达改变可能与肝癌侵袭转移的发生发展有一定关系。


To investigate the expression of MMP9 and TIMP1 gene and its role of the invasion and metastasis in primary liver cancer (PLC).


MMP9 and TIMP1 mRNA expression in 34 PLCs and 12 normal liver specimens was detected by RT-PCR.


Compared with the control group,MMP9 mRNA expression increased,but TIMP1 mRNA expression decreased in PLCs,especially in those with metastasis (P<0.05).There was a negative correlation between TIMP1 and MMP9 mRNA expression (P <0.01).


MMP9 mRNA up-expression and TIMP1 mRNA down-expression might be related to the invasion and metastasis in PLC.

表1 TIMP1、MMP9 在正常及肝癌组织中的表达状况
表2 肝癌组织学分化、肿瘤大小与TIMP1、MMP9 的关系
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