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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01) : 43 -44. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2007.01.013


胡石奇1, 刘振邦1, 张信华1   
  1. 1.510180 广州市第一人民医院普通外科
  • 出版日期:2007-02-20

Clinical analysis of non-functioning pancreatic Islet Cell tumors —A report of 6 cases and literature review

Shi-qi HU1, Zhen-bang LIU1, Xin-hua ZHANG1   

  1. 1.Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,The First Municipal People's Hospital of Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510180,China
  • Published:2007-02-20

胡石奇, 刘振邦, 张信华. 非功能性胰岛细胞瘤的诊断与治疗[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2007, 01(01): 43-44.

Shi-qi HU, Zhen-bang LIU, Xin-hua ZHANG. Clinical analysis of non-functioning pancreatic Islet Cell tumors —A report of 6 cases and literature review[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(01): 43-44.




对收治的6 例此病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。


本组6 例经影像学检查后,均接受手术治疗,5 例经手术后病理诊断确诊为恶性肿瘤,3 例经手术治疗后,配合化疗,现仍然存活,2 例死于手术后肿瘤转移;1例为良性肿瘤,现已失访。




To study the clinical diagnosis and treatment of nonfunctioning pancreatic islet cell tumors.


Six patients with nonfunctioning pancreatic islet cell tumors were analyzed retrospectively.


All of the 6 cases were treated with surgery after radiological tests.5 cases turned out to be malignant tumors,and 3 were still alive with post-operational adjuvant chemotherapy.2 died from tumor metastasis,and 1 case with benign tumor was out of contact.


Radiological and endocrinological examinations of pancreas are the main approaches for diagnosis of non functional pancreatic islet cell tumors.Patients often come with abdominal mass or metastases in the end stage,and the tumors are difficult to be detected in the early or middle stage for lacking specific clinical manifestation.Surgical resection is the treatment of choice.Post-operational adjuvant chemotherapy may be beneficial.

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