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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (02) : 101 -105. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2007.02.010


吕立志1, 江艺1,(), 胡还章1, 张小进1, 张坤1, 杨芳1, 蔡秋程1, 陈永标1, 潘凡1, 张绍庚1   
  1. 1.350025 南京军区福州总医院肝胆外科研究所
  • 出版日期:2007-02-01
  • 通信作者: 江艺

Study on the influences of injurys by ischemia and reperfusion to retrograde perfusion in standard orthotopic liver transplantations

Lizhi Lv1, Yi Jiang,1(), Huanzhang Hu1, Xiaojin Zhang1, Kun Zhang1, Fang Yang1, Qiucheng Cai1, Yongbiao Chen1, Fan Pan1, Shaogeng Zhang1   

  1. 1.Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,Fuzhou General Hospital,Nanjing Command,Fuzhou,350025,china
  • Published:2007-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Yi Jiang

吕立志, 江艺, 胡还章, 张小进, 张坤, 杨芳, 蔡秋程, 陈永标, 潘凡, 张绍庚. 经典原位肝移植术中逆灌注法对移植肝缺血再灌注损伤的影响[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2007, 01(02): 101-105.

Lizhi Lv, Yi Jiang, Huanzhang Hu, Xiaojin Zhang, Kun Zhang, Fang Yang, Qiucheng Cai, Yongbiao Chen, Fan Pan, Shaogeng Zhang. Study on the influences of injurys by ischemia and reperfusion to retrograde perfusion in standard orthotopic liver transplantations[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(02): 101-105.










Study on the influences of injurys by ischemia and reperfusion to retrograde perfusion in orthotopic liver transplantations.


Thirty five standard orthotopic liver transplantation patients were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.Retrograde perfusion via caval veins were performed in experimental group(17 cases)and normal reperfusions via portal veins were performed in control group(18 cases).The re-warm ischemia time,ALT,GGT,TB and PT in patients'serum were tested in the two groups respectively at one hour,1 day,2,3,5 and 7 days after operation.Concentrations of TNF-αand IL-1 in the caval veins were also tested two hours after the grafts transplanted into the patients.The ratio of hydropic degeneration and necrotic hepatocytes were detected under the light microscope and the morphologic changes of hepatocytes were detected under light and electro microscope respectively.


The re-warm ischemia time of experimental group was remarkably shorter than that of control group(P<0.05).For serum TB,the experimental group was remarkably lower than the control group 1 hour,1 and 2 days after operation(P<0.05),but there were no significant differences between the two groups 3,5 and 7 days after operation.For serum ALT,the experimental group was remarkably lower than the control group 1 and 2 days after operation(P<0.05),but there were no significant differences between the two groups 1 hour,3,5 and 7 days after operation.For serum GGT,the experimental group was remarkably lower than the control group 1hour,1and 3 days after operation(P<0.05),but there were no significant differences between the two groups 2,5 and 7 days after operation.For PT,there were no significent differences between the two groups after operation.Concentrations of TNF-αand IL-1 in the caval veins of experimental group were remarkably lower than those of control group two hours after the grafts transplanted into the patients(P<0.05).The injury by ischemia and reperfusion,ratio of hydropic degeneration and hepatocyte necrosis for experimental group were remakably lighter than control group(P<0.05).


The injurys caused by ischemia and reperfusion might be reduced and the graft functions might be improved by using method of retrograde perfusion in orthotopic liver transplantations.

表1 -1 病人一般情况统计表(±s)
表1 -2 病人性别分布统计表
表1 -3 病人原发病分布统计表
表1 -4 病人术前肝功能统计表(±s)
表1 -5续 两组患者术后不同时间肝功能统计表(±s)
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