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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (05) : 336 -339. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2021.05.004


周学鲁1,(), 周上军2, 张继峰2, 黄海1, 骆剑华1, 王友华1, 张焕彬1   
  1. 1. 523378 东莞,广东医科大学茶山医院外科
    2. 523127 广州中医药大学东莞医院普外一科
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-25 出版日期:2021-09-28
  • 通信作者: 周学鲁

Precise anatomy of fascia of inguinal region in tension-free preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with open anterior approach: video attached

Xuelu Zhou1,(), Shangjun Zhou2, Jifeng Zhang2, Hai Huang1, Jianhua Luo1, Youhua Wang1, Huanbin Zhang1   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, Chashan Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Dongguan 523378, China
    2. The First Department of Surgery, Dongguan Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Dongguan 523127, China
  • Received:2020-11-25 Published:2021-09-28
  • Corresponding author: Xuelu Zhou

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Xuelu Zhou, Shangjun Zhou, Jifeng Zhang, Hai Huang, Jianhua Luo, Youhua Wang, Huanbin Zhang. Precise anatomy of fascia of inguinal region in tension-free preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with open anterior approach: video attached[J]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(05): 336-339.










To reduce the recurrence and complications through studying the precise anatomy of the membranes of the external and internal rings and of preperitoneal space in open preperitoneal hernia repair.


A total of 600 patients (628 hernias) with primary inguinal hernia were retrospectively studied. The intraoperative observation and postoperative follow-up were recorded and analyzed. The Bogros space could be entered by opening the secondary internal ring in the preperitoneal fascia, which lied between the peritoneum and the deeper layer of the preperitoneal fascia. While the Retzius space lay between the transversalis fascia and the superficial layer of the preperitoneal fascia could be entered by dissecting the transversalis fascia. The discontinuity of two layers was connected by resecting the interfoveolar ligament near the epigastria vessels, creating a big enough preperitoneal space to accommodate the patch.


The average operation time was (50±10) min, mean hospitalization was (7±2.1) d. There was minor intraoperative peritoneal tear in 23 cases (3.8%) which was repaired promptly, 16 cases (2.6%) of postoperative hematoma and 11 cases (1.8%) of seroma. There were 5 cases of chronic pain, one of whom needed physical therapy. The incidence of chronic pain and recurrence was 0.8% (4/500) after 53 (12-100) months’ follow-up.


Precise surgical anatomy of external and internal rings and its associated membranes and of preperitoneal space in inguinal region is helpful to improve the safety and reliability of the procedure, reducing the complications and recurrence.

图1 开放前入路腹膜前无张力疝修补术(右侧) A为腹股沟管可见由腹横筋膜构成的第一内环和腹膜前筋膜形成的第二内环。B为在腹膜前筋膜(真疝囊颈)和腹膜之间是进入腹膜前间隙(Bogros间隙)的正确"门户"。C为以腹壁下血管为解剖标志,先后分离外上侧的Bogros间隙和内下侧的Retzius间隙。切断间隙韧带后,将两个不连续的膜平面间隙贯通融合。D为在创建好的腹膜前间隙内放置补片完成修补
图2 腹股沟内外环及其膜解剖平面结构示意图 A为腹股沟管内外环与其周围膜结构的关系(右侧),红色箭头表示精索通过各层膜从内环到外环的行径。B为腹外斜肌腱膜已经打开,牵开精索,可见由腹横筋膜构成的第一内环和腹膜前筋膜构成的第二内环(右侧)。C为腹股沟管与第一外环和精索管与第二外环的关系,红色箭头表示精索通过第一外环和第二外环进入阴囊的路径
图3 腹股沟区腹膜前间隙平面解剖示意图 A为Retzius间隙位于腹横筋膜与腹膜前筋膜浅层之间,而Bogros间隙位于腹膜与腹膜前筋膜深层之间。两个外科解剖不同的层面通过切开间隙韧带贯通融为一体(红色箭头表示切开路径)。B为补片放置在腹膜前间隙的位置(虚线表示)
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