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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2007, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01) : 23 -26. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2007.01.007


霍景山1, 陈积圣2,(), 陈汝福2, 吴卓2, 张红卫2, 区庆嘉2   
  1. 1.528000 广东佛山市中医院
    2.510120 广东中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院
  • 出版日期:2007-02-20
  • 通信作者: 陈积圣

Effect of splenic autotransplantation combined with lower esophagus transection on immune functions and portal hemodynamics in hepatic cirrhosis with portal hypertension patients

Jing-shan HUO1, Ji-sheng CHEN1,(), Ru-fu CHEN1, Zhuo WU1, Hong-wei ZHANG1, Qing-jia OU1   

  1. 1.Department of General Surgery,Foshan traditional Chinese medicine,Foshan,Guangdong Province,528000,China
  • Published:2007-02-20
  • Corresponding author: Ji-sheng CHEN

霍景山, 陈积圣, 陈汝福, 吴卓, 张红卫, 区庆嘉. 自体脾移植及食管横断吻合术治疗肝硬化门脉高压症——免疫学及门静脉血流动力学观察[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2007, 01(01): 23-26.

Jing-shan HUO, Ji-sheng CHEN, Ru-fu CHEN, Zhuo WU, Hong-wei ZHANG, Qing-jia OU. Effect of splenic autotransplantation combined with lower esophagus transection on immune functions and portal hemodynamics in hepatic cirrhosis with portal hypertension patients[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2007, 01(01): 23-26.


评价自体脾移植及食管横断吻合术对肝硬化门静脉高压症(portal hypertension,PHT)术后的免疫功能和门脉血流动力学的影响。


20 例PHT 随机分为2 组,每组10 人。均进行改良Sugiura 手术,对照组做脾切除,自体研究组脾部分腹膜后移植。手术前后检测血清tuftsin 和IgM。 脾脏动态同位素99MTC 显像。 手术前后通过三维动态增强磁共振血管成像测量门静脉主干的管腔横截面、血流量、血流速度和流向;观察自体移植脾在腹膜后的血供及侧支循环。


对照组术后血清tuftsin 和IgM 水平明显降低(tuftsin:P<0.001;IgM:P=0.04);脾自体移植组的血清tuftsin 和IgM 水平保持稳定(tuftsin:P=0.25;IgM:P=0.12)。 研究组有4 例病人在术后随访中移植脾块同位素显像呈阳性,而对照组无阳性显像。 术后6 个月2 组MPV 的管腔横截面积明显减少(研究组t=13.96,P=0.00;对照组t=11.38,P=0.00)。 术后MPV 的平均流速2组均较明显下降(研究组t=18.98,P=0.00;对照组t=22.32,P=0.00),且研究组少于对照组(t=-8.02,P=0.00)。 术后MPV 的平均流量2 组均比较(研究组t=16.93,P=0.00;对照组t=15.90,P=0.00),且研究组少于对照组(t=-2.73,P=0.02)。 移植脾在腹膜后成活,并建立了广泛的侧支循环。




To investigate the effect of splenic autotransplantation combined with lower esophagus transection on immune functions and portal hemodynamics in hepatic cirrhosis with portal hypertension patients.


20 patients with liver cirrhosis complicated with portal hypertension were randomly allocated into 2 groups: splenic autotransplantation (n=10),in which patients underwent splenectomy with retroperitoneal splenic autotransplantation and gastroesophageal devascularization (modified Sugiura operation),and control group(n=10),in which only splenectomy and gastroesophageal devascularization were performed.Serum tuftsin and IgM were measeured.Dynamic scintigraphy with technetium 99mTC-labeled heat-damaged erythrocytes was performed.The cross section area,blood velocity and flow and collateral circulation of portal parameters were comparatively evaluated 3D DEC MRA,and the fragment,size,blood flow and collateral circulation of retroperitoneal transplanted spleen were comparatively assessed.


The preoperative levels of serum tuftsin and IgM showed no statistical difference between groups.However,Serum tuftsin and IgM decreased remarkably in the control group (P<0.05) while that in splenic autotransplantation group remained stable.Autotransplantation group showed the transplanted splenic fragment during follow-up.At 6-month after operation,the cross section areas of MPV in both two groups significantly decreased (study group t=13.96,P=0.00; control group t=11.38,P=0.00).The mean blood velocity and the mean blood flow volumeof MPV after operation were lower (study group t=18.98,P=0.00;control groupt=22.32,P=0.00),and those in study group were lower than that in control group ( =-8.02,=0.00).The transplanted spleen had extensive collateral circulation.


Partial splenic autotransplantation combined with lower esophagus transection in the treatment of hepatic cirrhosis complicated portal hypertension not only preserves splenic immune function,but also ploys a role in devascularization and shunting for portal hemodynamics.

表1 术前和术后2 周外周血细胞计数
表2 血清tuftsin 水平(ng/mL)
表3 血清IgM 水平(ng/mL)
表4 2 组病人手术前后MPV 的管腔横截面积的变化(cm2±s)
表5 2组病人手术前后门静脉血流动力学的变化(±s)
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