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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (04) : 269 -272. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2021.04.006


郝少龙1, 韩威1,(), 纪宇1, 孙浩2, 石浩伟1, 马纪红3   
  1. 1. 101149 北京,首都医科大学附属北京潞河医院普外科
    2. 101149 北京,首都医科大学附属北京潞河医院中心实验室
    3. 101149 北京,首都医科大学附属北京潞河医院医疗保健病区
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-10 出版日期:2021-08-03
  • 通信作者: 韩威
  • 基金资助:
    北京市通州区科委科技创新专项(KJ2019CX014-05); 北京市通州区科技计划项目(KJ2020 CX006-10)

BANCR promoting lymphangiogenesis by regulating VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 pathway in pancreatic cancer

Shaolong Hao1, Wei Han1,(), Yu Ji1, Hao Sun2, Haowei Shi1, Jihong Ma3   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, the Affiliated Beijing Luhe Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 101149, China
    2. Department of Central Laboratory, the Affiliated Beijing Luhe Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 101149, China
    3. Department of Health Care Ward, the Affiliated Beijing Luhe Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 101149, China
  • Received:2020-12-10 Published:2021-08-03
  • Corresponding author: Wei Han

郝少龙, 韩威, 纪宇, 孙浩, 石浩伟, 马纪红. BANCR调控VEGF-C/VEGFR-3通路促进胰腺癌微淋巴管生成[J]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2021, 15(04): 269-272.

Shaolong Hao, Wei Han, Yu Ji, Hao Sun, Haowei Shi, Jihong Ma. BANCR promoting lymphangiogenesis by regulating VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 pathway in pancreatic cancer[J]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(04): 269-272.




实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)检测胰腺癌细胞(SW1990、PANC-1)及人胰腺导管上皮细胞(HPDC)中BANCR的表达;应用siRNA干扰胰腺癌细胞BANCR的表达,将转染后的胰腺癌细胞与人真皮淋巴管内皮细胞(HDLEC)进行3D共培养,并统计微淋巴管密度(MLVD)。应用qPCR检测转染后的BANCR-siRNA组和空载质粒NC组胰腺癌细胞中VEGF-C、VEGFR-3 mRNA的相对表达量。


与HPDC的1.02±0.222相比,胰腺癌细胞PANC-1和SW1990中BANCR显著高表达,分别为10.03±3.356、10.37±1.459(P<0.001)。干扰BANCR表达后BANCR-siRNA组的胰腺癌细胞MLVD较NC组显著降低(SW1990:3.87±1.767 vs 18.00±6.130,P<0.001;PANC-1:5.27±2.631 vs 16.80±3.764,P<0.001)。且BANCR-siRNA组中VEGF-C及VEGFR-3转录水平较NC组显著下调(VEGF-C:1.35±0.926 vs 6.97±3.677,P=0.011;VEGFR-3:0.98±0.635 vs 2.88±1.422,P=0.026)。




To investigate the expression of BANCR in pancreatic carcinoma and its mechanism on lymphangiogenesis.


The expression of BANCR in pancreatic cancer cells (SW1990, PANC-1) and human pancreatic ductal epithelial cell (HPDC) was detected by qPCR. siRNA was used to interfere with the expression of BANCR in pancreatic cancer cells. The transfected pancreatic cancer cells and human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (HDLEC) were co-cultured in 3D, and micro-lymphatic vessel density (MLVD) was calculated. qPCR was used to detect the relative expression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 mRNA in pancreatic cancer cells of BANCR-siRNA group and NC group.


Compared with 1.02±0.222 of HPDC, the expression of BANCR in PANC-1 and SW1990 cells was significantly higher (10.03±3.356, 10.37±1.459, respectively) (P<0.001). The pancreatic cancer cell MLVD in the BANCR-siRNA group was significantly lower than that in the NC group (SW1990: 3.87±1.767 vs 18.00±6.130, P<0.001; PANC-1: 5.27±2.631 vs 16.80±3.764, P<0.001). And the transcriptional level of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 in the BANCR-siRNA group was significantly lower than that in the NC group (VEGF-C: 1.35±0.926 vs 6.97±3.677, P=0.011; VEGFR-3: 0.98±0.635 vs 2.88±1.422, P=0.026).


BANCR is up-regulated in pancreatic carcinoma cells and may play an important role in lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis in pancreatic carcinoma by regulating VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 pathway, which is expected to provide a new target for clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of pancreatic carcinoma.

表1 引物序列表
图2 BANCR对胰腺癌细胞淋巴管生存的影响 A为胰腺癌细胞株PANC-1、SW1990中BANCR-siRNA与未经siRNA干扰的NC组淋巴管生成情况(×100);B为几种细胞株中微淋巴管密度(MLVD)的比较;C为PC细胞株PANC-1、SW1990中BANCR表达与MLVD的相关性分析
图3 BANCR对胰腺癌细胞VEGF-C、VEGFR-3 mRNA的影响 BANCR-siRNA为干扰BANCR表达后胰腺癌细胞SW1990;NC为未经siRNA干扰的NC组;*两组VEGF-C相比,P<0.05;#两组VEGFR-3相比,P<0.05
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