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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 38 -42. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2019.01.007

所属专题: 文献


李霞1, 谢玉环1,(), 丁尚伟1, 张世豪2, 赖瑾瑜1, 邝永培1, 罗海波1, 袁智帆1   
  1. 1. 523059 南方医科大学附属东莞人民医院超声科
    2. 523059 南方医科大学附属东莞人民医院病理科
  • 收稿日期:2018-03-13 出版日期:2019-02-01
  • 通信作者: 谢玉环
  • 基金资助:

Reanalysis of grade 2-3 thyroid nodules diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology using ultrasoundelastography and immunohistochemistry before operation

Xia Li1, Yuhuan Xie1,(), Shangwei Ding1, Shihao Zhang2, Jinyu Lai1, Yongpei Kuang1, Haibo Luo1, Zhifan Yuan1   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Dongguan People's Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Dongguan 523059, China
    2. Departmentof Pathology, Dongguan People's Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Dongguan 523059, China
  • Received:2018-03-13 Published:2019-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Yuhuan Xie
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Xie Yuhuan, Email:

李霞, 谢玉环, 丁尚伟, 张世豪, 赖瑾瑜, 邝永培, 罗海波, 袁智帆. 超声弹性成像结合免疫组织化学染色对甲状腺细针穿刺2~3级病变结节的再分析[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2019, 13(01): 38-42.

Xia Li, Yuhuan Xie, Shangwei Ding, Shihao Zhang, Jinyu Lai, Yongpei Kuang, Haibo Luo, Zhifan Yuan. Reanalysis of grade 2-3 thyroid nodules diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology using ultrasoundelastography and immunohistochemistry before operation[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(01): 38-42.






66例患者(70个结节)为2级病变,64例患者(64个结节)为3级病变。对2~3级甲状腺结节良恶性的判断,独立诊断与联合诊断的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、诊断准确性分别为84.75% vs 91.53%(χ2=1.297,P=0.255)、81.33% vs 92.00%(χ2=3.692,P=0.055)、78.13% vs 90.00%(χ2=3.228,P=0.072)、87.14% vs 93.24%(χ2=1.525,P=0.217)、82.84% vs 91.79%(χ2=4.851,P=0.028),两者的诊断准确性差异有统计学意义。联合诊断与组织病理的一致性(Kappa=0.863,P<0.01)高于US-FNAC独立诊断(Kappa=0.711,P<0.01)。




To investigate the combination of elastic imaging (EI) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for thyroid nodules with ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology (US-FNAC) as grade 2 or 3 lesions.


The thyroid nodules were punctured with fine needle. According to the results of US-FNAC diagnosis, EI and IHC were used to analyze the nodule of grade 2 and grade 3 lesions before operation, and the results were compared with the pathological results after operation. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of independent US-FNAC and combined US-FNAC+EI+IHC diagnosis for benign and malignant thyroid nodules were compared.


Retrospective analysis of preoperative FNA diagnosis in patients undergoing thyroidectomy showed 66 patients (70 nodules) with grade 2 lesions and 64 patients (64 nodules) with grade 3 lesions. The comparison of the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of the diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules of grade 2 or 3 between US-FNAC and US-FNAC combined with EI and IHC were 84.75% vs 91.53% (χ2=1.297, P=0.255), 81.33% vs 92.00% (χ2=3.692, P=0.055), 78.13% vs 90.00% (χ2=3.228, P=0.072), 87.14% vs 93.24% (χ2=1.525, P=0.217), 82.84% vs 91.79% (χ2=4.851, P=0.028), respectively. The difference of accuracy between independent and combined diagnosis was statistically significant. The consistency between combined diagnosis and histopathology (Kappa=0.863, P<0.01) was higher than that between US-FNAC independent diagnosis and histopathology (Kappa=0.711, P<0.01).


The accuracy of diagnosis of thyroid nodule of grade 2-3 can be improved by using EI and IHC analysis before operation.

表1 US-FNAC独立诊断与联合诊断甲状腺细针穿刺2~3级病变结节的比较(%)
图1 US-FNAC 3级病变免疫组织化学分析 A~B为细胞涂片;C~F为细胞蜡块切片,其中中央部为甲状腺乳头状异型增生细胞(实线箭头所示),右下角为正常甲状腺组织对照(虚线箭头所示)。A为甲状腺滤泡细胞增生活跃,呈乳头状结构,细胞排列稍拥挤且有重叠,核增大稍淡染,部分细胞可见核沟和核内包涵体,US-FNAC诊断为3级(HE染色 ×200);B为细胞排列拥挤,可见明显核仁,US-FNAC诊断为3级(巴氏染色×400);C为异型滤泡上皮细胞呈乳头状排列(HE染色 ×100);D为CK19阳性(EnVision法 ×100);E为Galectin-3阳性(EnVision法 ×100);F为TPO阴性(EnVision法 ×100)
图2 US-FNAC 2级病变免疫细胞化学及弹性成像分析A为正常甲状腺滤泡细胞(细胞排列松散均匀,细胞核小而深染,未见核异型改变,巴氏染色 ×400);B为甲状腺弹性成像为Ⅳ级,调整分级结果为3级,术后组织病理结果为甲状腺乳头状癌
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