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中华普通外科学文献(电子版) ›› 2011, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (04) : 315 -319. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2011.04.011

所属专题: 文献


孙权1,(), 廖铂1, 尹玉春1, 江平1   
  1. 1. 430071,武汉大学中南医院普通外科
  • 收稿日期:2010-07-11 出版日期:2011-08-01
  • 通信作者: 孙权

Clinical application of domestic harmonic scalpel in open general surgical operation

Quan SUN1,(), Bo LIAO1, Yu-chun YIN1, Ping JIANG1   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, Zhongnan hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China
  • Received:2010-07-11 Published:2011-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Quan SUN
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: SUN Quan, Email:

孙权, 廖铂, 尹玉春, 江平. 国产超声刀在普外科开放手术中的临床应用:附视频[J/OL]. 中华普通外科学文献(电子版), 2011, 05(04): 315-319.

Quan SUN, Bo LIAO, Yu-chun YIN, Ping JIANG. Clinical application of domestic harmonic scalpel in open general surgical operation[J/OL]. Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2011, 05(04): 315-319.






试验组和对照组之间术中出血量无明显差异[(89.50±27.65)ml vs(95.23±22.95)ml,P=0.298],而且术后住院时间[(17.3±8.8)d vs(16.1±9.9)d,P=0.604]及术后腹腔引流[(180.6±61.0)ml vs(174.9±44.4)ml,P=0.674]在两组之间差异均无统计学意义;但与对照组相比,试验组的组织切割平均时间[(6.95±1.41)s vs(4.32±1.11)s,P<0.05]和血管凝固时间[(6.00±0.314)s vs(2.68±0.123)s,P<0.001]要长。




To investigate the safety and the effectiveness of domestic harmonic scalpel in open general surgical operation.


Sixty patients who underwent open surgery from Sep. 2008 to Feb. 2010 were randomly divided into test group (30 cases) and control group (30 cases). The patients in test group underwent surgery with the aid of domestic BBT harmonic scalpel, and patients in control group with Ultracision harmonic scalpel. The time of dissecting tissues, coagulation time of vessels, blood loss during operation, hospitalization time after operation and postoperative drainage volume in both groups were compared.


The blood loss had no distinct difference between the two groups[(89.50±27.65)ml vs (95.23±22.95)ml, P=0.298], neither did the hospitalization time [(17.3±8.8)d vs (16.1±9.9)d, P=0.604] and drainage volume [(180.6±61.0)ml vs (174.9±44.4)ml, P=0.674]. However the time of dissecting tissues in test group was longer than that in control group [(6.95±1.41)s vs (4.32±1.11)s, P<0.05], and the coagulation time in test group was also longer than that in control group[(6.00±0.314)s vs (2.68±0.123)s, P<0.001].


Domestic BBT harmonic scalpel is safe and effective. It can meet the clinical requirements and surely will be promoted in clinical application.

表1 两组患者一般资料比较(各30例)
表2 两组患者组织切割、血管凝固时间和术中出血量、术后住院时间、腹腔引流量的比较
表3 两组患者各直径血管的凝固时间比较(s)
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